Leland Jory wrote:
> > We have to respect the copyrights of the software put out by any company,
> > including Apple.
> >
> > Just because a software program isn't sold or supported, doesn't mean it's
> > suddenly freeware.
> >
> > Nobody's happy about what Apple did to the Newton -- but the Newton when
> > introduced was an experimental technology ahead of it's time. That's the
> > risk we all take buying the latest greatest neato gadget and accompanying
> > software. If folks want stability, they should purchase established
> > technologies. Even so, there's no guarantee it will be around more than 4
> > years -- an ancient age in our world of fast moving technology.
> Couldn't Apple's Newton software be considered (if not 'freeware')
> included-ware? I mean, they shipped this stuff with every new Newton. Plus,
> the stuff is still freely downloadable from Apple's software archives AFAIK.
> I don't see any ethical/legal problems with leaving the Apple stuff in. If
> you're truly concerned, contact Apple and ask for their permission.
Hmmm. I don't want to sound sarcastic Leland at all, but, you're probably
joking? If anybody here ever receive a reply regarding their permission, I swear
I eat one of my spare flip door for my 2100 (yes, I have 2 or 3 spares)!!!!!
Joking, Leland, joking ;-)
Sure, I guess that's the right way to do it, but having dealt with Apple for the
past several years, I guess it's really too optimistic to expect to hear from
them on this matter. Remember when the infamous 10061 was a hot topic? Remember
this executive from Apple, saying or having said in an email to someone (don't
remember off memory) that they would look into it? Did anybody ever get any
message following this?
Don't get me wrong, I really like Apple and the products they offer. But, it's
been part of their culture to totally ignore anything that is not in their very
best interest, be it angry or unsatisfied customers or business propositions
(remember when a couple of companies did inquire about how much Apple was asking
for the Newton technology?). AFAIK, they never bothered replying, or if they
did, that was a very well kept secret.
So, you may ask, but don't expect to hear anything back.
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266 mailto:Laurent_Daudelin@fanniemae.com
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