I'm a cursed man, I've had my Newt 2k backlight go out on me 3 times
since I've purchased my great toy, last time was most frustrating because
I had just gotten it back from repair only 2 months previous and I was
enjoying my great new backlight, when suddenly while using the Newt, the
phone rang and as I turned to pick it up my elbow knocked it off of the
desk only to have it hit the side of my chair and then the carpet. I
picked it up discovering the backlight out ... again!! I've been like
this for several months now and I'm so tired of seeing a dark screen..
even the WinCEs look tempting though I know I'll never get anything done
on one.
My question, what does a poor Newt2k user do to replace his backlight or
maybe even get it to run again? Are there any cheap solutions? I've been
inside of my newt a few times before sending it in for repair and I'm
familiar with the insides. If anyone has any suggestions of lighting up
my screen again, please respond
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