At 07:25 23.02.00 -0700, Bob Frasure <> wrote:
[..pitiful story mercilessly deleted..]
>My question, what does a poor Newt2k user do to replace his backlight or
>maybe even get it to run again? Are there any cheap solutions? I've been
>inside of my newt a few times before sending it in for repair and I'm
>familiar with the insides. If anyone has any suggestions of lighting up
>my screen again, please respond
First: 1 or 2 weeks ago, there was some hotshot suggesting a change of
backlight (which procedure he called easy or somesuch) for different
colors, and a dispute resulted as to what color were best. I propose that
you look for him in the archive.
Second: remember the $190,- or so flat repair rate by Apple, inc. Since i
take you for a resident of the northern half of the american continent,
this should be a remedy to any & all of your problems with your Newt.
Good luck!
-- Wolf Lichtenberger
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