Re: NTLK NewtonMAD and it's originator, Kenneth Wong...

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 11:03:34 EST

dave's not here wrote:

> At 4:32 PM -0600 2/22/00, Leland Jory wrote:
> >
> >Couldn't Apple's Newton software be considered (if not 'freeware')
> >included-ware? I mean, they shipped this stuff with every new Newton. Plus,
> >the stuff is still freely downloadable from Apple's software archives AFAIK.
> >
> >I don't see any ethical/legal problems with leaving the Apple stuff in. If
> >you're truly concerned, contact Apple and ask for their permission.
> Just because Apple lets you freely download software, doesn't mean
> they are willing to allow us to distribute it. They prevented
> usergroup sites (AMUG, etc) and magazines from distributing 8.6 and
> QT 4 because they wanted to control distribution. I am all for
> distributing the software Apple has on it's archives, but only if
> they don't have a problem with it. I'm not willing to risk a resource
> like this over files that can be found elsewhere. Other than
> political reasons, I can't think why Apple would pull the files; they
> still have system 6.0.3 and software for Apple ][ up (some have dates
> back to March 94).

If I recall correctly, NCU was bundled with the 2x00 and eMate, and NewtonPress
was given to 2000 upgrades to 2100, but otherwise, they were sold. But they're
not manufactured anymore, so we're in a kind of void. Technically, we can't
redistribute these softwares. In practice, those softwares were for sale, but are
not manufactured anymore, so, what can we do? I've never heard, except for NTK
but that was before the Newton was axed, of any software that Apple initially
sold, but decided to give away at some point. Previous system software were
always available freely, up to recently, so that's not the same situation.

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
Fax: 703-833-7555 Usual disclaimers apply

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