At 11:03 AM -0500 2/23/00, Laurent Daudelin wrote:
>dave's not here wrote:
> > political reasons, I can't think why Apple would pull the files; they
> > still have system 6.0.3 and software for Apple ][ up (some have dates
> > back to March 94).
>sold, but decided to give away at some point. Previous system software were
>always available freely, up to recently, so that's not the same situation.
That's not completely true. 7.5.5 is free and available at the same
site, but you had to purchase 7.0 and 7.5 (probably 6.0 as well) when
they first came out. As previous threads mentioned, Apple will
probably not bother with us if we distribute. However, lacking any
blessing from Apple, I am inclined to only provide a link to Apple's
copies of the software when they are available and treat other
software in the same manner as current, supported commercial software.
Not trying to be a dictator or dickhead, but it's my machine (well,
technically the university's) and they may be inclined to force me to
pull the plug if they get complaints. Then we all lose. On issues as
grey as this, personal morals are not the issue; we (those involved
in cleaning up the newtMad copy on the machine in my office) have to
be concerned about creating a resource that will be available for
some time to come. Once we clean up the archive, we will make a
zipped copy available. If you want to put up your own version, with
the questionable Apple software on it, I will neither condone nor
condemn. I will err on the conservative side with this copy. There's
no sense in performing this scrub of the archive unless we can be
sure that we can legally distribute everything in it.
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