Re: NTLK eMate/Intel cards

From: Carolyn Kennedy (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 16:41:10 EST

Bill wrote:

"IMPORTANT NOTE: Does the eMate have a "lock" switch like the older
Newtons (1xx) models did? On those models, you not only had to put the
card in the slot but you had to flip the switch back to "lock" to lock
the card in, as I recall, and get it recognized by the unit.

. . . .

Anyone else out there on this list who has used Paul Braham's 6MB Intel
cards in a Newton?

 - Bill"

Many thanks, Bill! As an eMate user who's now acquired an MP120 to use
as well, I had no idea about having to lock the card in (there isn't a
lock switch on the eMate, but you do need to make sure the card's pushed
right in). I'd decided the MP must have a fault, as it didn't seem to
recognize the card - I knew the card was OK, as the eMate was prepared
to read it, tho' it obviously couldn't write to it. I've just tried
again locking it in - and lo and behold I can back up to my card.

And yes, I have some of Paul Braham's cards, bought via Info-Newt, which
I'm using in the eMate, with no problems at all. And backing up to a
card is a huge improvement on backing up to my Mac. Buy them while
they're still available, I'd say (especially as I was quoted £126
sterling+tax and shipping to buy 2MB cards for the Newton from about the
only place I've found still stocking Newton bits in the UK - I didn't
dare ask what cards for the eMate would cost . . . And no, of course I
didn't buy 2MB cards at that price, I got some Apple cards for $25 each
from the Newton Classifieds).

Once again, thanks - you've made my day (although you have now robbed me
of my main excuse for upgrading my 'broken' 120 to a 130 with

Carolyn K.

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