NTLK Re: newtontalk V1 #255

From: markr13 (markr13@voicenet.com)
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 21:31:52 EST

>Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 10:44:23 -0500
>From: "Susan F. Epstein" <sfe6@spamcop.net>
>Subject: system errors, card not showing
>I have had my MP2100 since the product was introduced, and suddenly it is
>showing signs of age. I recently had difficulties with the batterypack
>losing charge quickly, but things have gotten worse. I am now plagued with
>constant restarts; I select something and, no matter what it is, Notes is
>launched and then the screen goes dead. It then restarts and says a system
>error caused the restart. Additionally, my flashcard has disappeared; when I
>select "card" it says nothing is inserted.
>Does this seem like something I might be able to handle myself, or will I
>have to send it in for repair?

You may just have a used up rechargable battery. NewtonOz will take them
in trade for a new one.

Oz Suguitan <newtonoz@ix.netcom.com>
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