Fellow Newtoneers,
I have been busy the last few days and eventually also updated my
Newton Book Page. There are 13 books now in total to be found at:
The link to "Dracula" is active but leads nowhere, since that one is
still in the making. The "King James Bible" and "The Count of Monte
Cristo" are not recommended for MP1x0 machines, their files are huge.
The Bible will occupy about 4.3 MB inside your Newtons and The Count
will use about 2.6 MB.
If anybody would like to see their favorite classic published in
Newton Book format, please let me know (in private not all over the
list please) and if the text is available on the net somewhere, I
will make the Newton Book. If you have written something of your own
and would like it published, please send the text (again, private)
and I will convert it into a Newton Book and put it up on the page.
Best regards,
-- Chris Ruprecht Network grunt and bit pusher extraordinaíre ****************************************** This month's NewtonTalk brought to you by:EVOTE.COM, the ultimate Political Junkie site on the 'Net.
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