Well, that depends...if you can get the cables, then
yes, it will work. I use the Simple 33.6 modem with my
Newton 2000 all the time (it has that little
"pull-out" phone jack on it) Contact Simple:
and see if they still support this modem (I didn't see
anything on thier website though...
The simple modem is cellular ready and does MNP-10
which is the Cellular compression/error correction
technology. BTW, I have used this modem with a
Microtac phone several times, but usually I use the
Motorola modem (you can get these cellular ready
modems cheap for about $49...the cables are still
available from Motorola also but usually go for $69.
So, in answer to your question, yes...but depending on
if they carry it any more.
Web/Cell phone guru
--- ThisOlNewt@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 2/26/00 12:24:43 AM,
> tech_ed@yahoo.com writes:
> >If you are wanting to use your Digital Startac on
> your
> >newton, then forget about it! Nothing will work.
> The
> >reason being is that a modem for a digital phone
> isn't
> >really a modem as much as it is just an interface.
> >(Modem stands for MODulator/DEModulator...and
> digital
> This got me currious.
> I have a StarTac Analog phone and a 2100MP My modem
> is a Simple 33.3
> Cellular capable modem ( I dont have any cables) Can
> I get this to work?
> Keep the Green™
> Rich
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