Palm gracefully donates the sources for the palm os emulator on their
website, and developers or owners of a palmos device can obtain a ROM to
run that emulator. heres a good question, what would need to be done to
port that emulator to work on a newton? would anyone be interested in such
a thing? I have very very little newton programming experience, but is
there anyone with more that would be interested in seeing what kind of work
this requires, and if it is feasible? Personally, I would pay up to $50 to
buy a piece of software that does this, and would love to have the
functionality of my palm on my newton, so i dont have to carry both. just
looking for some way to run OS 3.3 or maybe even 3.5 (not the color, but
regular os (non-ez)).
Patrick J Ketelaar
Aerospace Engineering Student
Saint Louis University, Parks College of Engineering and Aviation
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