Re: NTLK re: Hey! I've found the Ultimate Newton Successor !?? (I think.

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Sun Feb 27 2000 - 14:21:55 EST

The Symbian will have true handwriting recognition
(the Newton handwriting engineers are creating a third
party application that will do this), but the
clamshell design will kill this product. I've used the
Psion (as well as CE devices) and the handwriting
software on these devices is really quite well
done..almost as good as the Newt...but, you've got
nowhere to rest your hand when writing n the can't flip the screen back to write on
the screen directly, Think about trying to write on
your monitor, at the angle you are viewing it at and
you will see what I mean. I say, either give me a
keyboard that I can use (I REALLY love that RIM 950
pager, you cradle it in your index fingers and type
with your thumbs...the keyboard is curved and every
key makes a definitive click) or give me handwriting
that will not require that I change my writing style
(hear that Palm people?) I am a firm believer that a
PDA should adapt it self to the user, not the other
way around. I don't want to have to "learn" how to use
one, I want it to learn how I do things...and that's
what the Newton does best.
web guru

--- Bob Frasure <> wrote:
> Yet another clever looking PDA with no handwriting
> recognition...
> ultimate newton successor?? This thing looks cool
> but entirely useless.
> also since it's designed around a phone I doubt
> we'll see any really good
> functionality coming from it. I'm sticking with my
> "whip out and take
> notes" Newton (though I'm still looking for a
> suitable replacement for
> when it's invented)...
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