>> Charged is correct. And to show you what a real smart and amazing
>> expert I am, here's another tip: Store them in the fridge.
>Next to the film-rolls it is, then. What about the freezer? Guess not, huh?
>Do you mean just the fridge or the freezer compartment? Also, would if be
>better to put them in a zip lock bag or air fight container before putting
>That's what I do with films. And I'll take them out the night before if I
need to
>use them so that they'll be back at room temperature when I open the lid.
I'd advise against the freezer. Whatever I put in *my* freezer, no matter
there's a bag around it or not, eventually gets coated with a thin crust of
I'd think this would eventually lead to corrosion. Apart from that, slowing
down chemical processes works too ways. Self discharge is one, but
unfortunately normal discharge is one, too. Usually I want my rechargeables
do their job at once, not after de-freezing them. And a frozen battery, just
as the one outside in your car, has way less capacity than one that has
room temperature. Also it can deliver way less current. Of course the same
true for rechargeables that were in a fridge, but to a lesser extent as the
difference to room temperature is smaller and the time to reach it is
Thus it is certainly a good idea to take them out of the freezer the night
As to the zip lock bag: I think that's not a good idea. I've never tried it
films or batts, but I would think there might occur some kind of
condensation that
would result in humidity inside the bag. I'd just put them into a cardboard
and try to find a place that's pretty much at the top of the fridge (as
milk usually leaks downwards...)
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