"Gruendel, Frank 3837 PPE-WT" wrote:
> Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 12:49:45 -0400
> From: "Laurent Daudelin" <laurent_daudelin@fanniemae.com>
> To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
> Subject: Re: NTLK More battery questions...
> Message-ID: <39636729.868FA02C@fanniemae.com>
> "John I. Clark" wrote:
> > said that you can put a piece of cardboard
> > somewhere in some models to be able to charge store-bought NiMH AAs in
> > the battery sled... Is this possible in the 2100?
> Someone answered...
> >The little button in the 2100 is very hard to get to
> Afaik the 2x00 messagepads do not have a button at all. The NiMH pack in
> these machines has two additional contacts beween which is a resistor.
> This is what the 2x00 mp's base their decision on.
> As I don't have a 2x00 machine, I can just convey what I have heard. If
> anyone feels tempted to send me a MP2x00 to increase the quality of
> my comments, please don't hesitate to do so ;-))
> Frank
Thanks for the correction. I think you're right, it seems that there are 2 additional connectors on the top of the pack
I stand corrected! ;-)
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266 mailto:Laurent_Daudelin@fanniemae.com
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