>Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 23:15 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Woo Lee <vitcitylb@earthlink.net>
>Subject: RE: NTLK Re: off topic-Used Macs & Web .
>Mr. Steve-
>several months ago, I called Shreve about the Newton-compatible flash =
>cards, the guy on the other end of the phone 'promised' that the 64 MB. =
>ATA-flash card works in ALL Newtons. He said that he has 'lots of =
>Newton-using satisfied customers'.
>I guess Shreve Systems company has decreased their customer service since =
>you last dealt with them.
>>Mr. Dog-
>>Several years ago, I bought a used Powerbook 140 from Shreve, and haven't
>>had any problems with it. Having said that, I too have heard vague rumblings
>>about Shreve not being a good place to go, but I just thought I should point
>>out that I had no problem myself.
>!ooW %-)
>Sent from an Ex-Apple Newton Messagepad 2000U!
And, if you were so unfortunate as to believe this person and purchase
one, you would have to pay a restocking fee to send it back, if they let
you send it at all! Word to the wise, stay away from Shreve.
Mark Ross
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