Re: NTLK eMate/Ethernet software questions..

From: Larry Harrison (
Date: Wed Jul 12 2000 - 09:56:37 CDT

At 10:06 AM -0400 7/12/00, Victor Rehorst wrote:
>I'd be interested to know what kind of card this is (from the model
>number back and the Farallon kit number, if applicable, such as
>PN595) and where you read that it would only work in an eMate.
>Seems kind of strange to me...
>Victor Rehorst - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
> -
>Sent from a Newton Messagepad 2100 with SimpleMail 4.1b2

It is a Farallon EtherMac PowerBook PC Card, PN 595-TP. I know the
hardware is good because it's working fine in a PowerBook 1400. The
Farallon web site which contains the eMate/Newton driver is very
specific about the card needed:

The statement is that the discontinued PN 595-TP works in Newton and
eMate but the current PN 595A-TP does not.

As to whether there are other PC Ethernet cards that work in
Newton/eMate, your site shows a bunch of them, so I guess my
information is out of date; it came from:

where the Farallon (then Netopia) card was reviewed.

Reading this review again, I noticed it is very emphatic about doing
a reset after installing the drivers. I didn't do that, so that could
be the problem. I can't try it right away, because I had to trash
everything. I'll get back to it in a few days. Thanks for the help.

-Larry Harrison
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