Re: NTLK internal/card RAM storage management

From: Kenny Song (
Date: Wed Jul 12 2000 - 11:27:07 CDT

On Wed, 12 Jul 2000 Malawi, Hilal wrote:

>I was under the impression that items such as Macintalk, the Enroute
>extensions, NIE, and the like are best stored on the internal. In my case,
>almost all Extensions are on the internal store.
>I also like the idea of keeping my names and dates soops on the internal
>store as well, in case I need to remove the card.
>As a result, on my Newton right now the internal store is almost full while
>the 4MB card I have has plenty of space.
You've got the right idea. I would keep most if not all Extension in Internal. Other pkgs that belongs to Internal are like backdrops or enhancements that extends the usage of build in applications like Button Bar, Keyboard, Short Cuts etc.

I like to keep ALL my data in one store, my 32 MB Card. Why? Data grows (7 yrs) , applications, not so much nowadays. And I always backup both Stores.

Kenny Song
<Sent with Newton MP2100/SimpleMail/4.0
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