At 05:06 14.07.00, you wrote:
>The other option is related to the fact that your Newton already has two
>serial ports. It has an internal modem connector that is for another
>serial port. Also, the Interconnect port has the same pins wired to it.
>FOr this to work, you need more hardware. There's some circuitry needed
>for this to function. Basically serial driver chips are needed. For the
>electronically skilled, the design is pretty easy. Making one is more
>challenging of course...
>Also, some software side work is needed to get software to use that port,
>but it's pretty easy; I managed to convince Newton Internet Enabler to use
>the other port by manually changing configurations...
>Hope this helps a bit.
Does that mean you actually DID manage to convince the Newt to use its 2nd
Every source i know of told me you'd not only extra hardware (a port
driver/line conditioner chip at least) but also an extra driver program for
the second port.
-- Wolf
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