I wrote asking about
>the availability of tips for the titanium styli. Does
> >the the lack of an answer mean that the tips are not available?
Bill Davis replied:
>Don't know what you mean by the "titanium stylus". Are you referring to
>the one that came with the 2x00, or a third party stylus?
I answer:
I was referring to the stylus that came with the 2X00. It appears
that it should be easy to replace the tip if one is available. I
read that a wooden stylus would be a good substitute for the plastic
tipped ones. Do you agree?
>About the only source I know of for replacement styluses at this point is
>Small Dog Electronics (www.smalldog.com); they have some eMate styluses,
>which DO fit in the 2x00 slot. They're cheap, too.
Thank you for the suggestion and the information about their fitting
in the MP2X00 slot.
Thanks Bill, for taking the time to answer the questions. Your
commitment to helping is much appreciate.
Wayne Toews
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