>Laurent wrote:
>If it always fail when backing up the system information, I would
>suspect something is wrong in the system soup. If you want to
>experiment, try backing up to your external card using
>SBM Utilities. Do a hard reset, making sure you remove the card
>before doing so. Check the FAQ for the proper steps. Make sure SBM
>Utilities in on the card as well. Then, restore
>everything, but the system soup. Warning: you will have to
>reconfigure your Newton, and you might have to enter a bunch of
>registration codes for 3rd party apps again. You might want to
>try to perform the backup again. Like I said, you will loose a lot
>of settings, as much applications store their preferences in the
>system soup, so it might be painful to start with a
>new system soup, but it might be the only way to go if you want to
>perform a backup. One last question: have you been able to connect
>reliably with NCU, using your ethernet card? For
>instance, have you been able to install packages on your MP? I'm
>asking just to make sure you have all required ethernet drivers,
>before you dump your system soup. Have you been able to
>backup before, using the same hardware/software that you're using
>right now? Anything that might have changed? If you are sure that
>nothing changed, then it might well be something
>wrong with your system soup, and you might want to try what I described above.
Yes, I still can install packages and I can access the internet via
my ethernet card. This is the same hardware/software I have been
using on the mac. Of course, who knows how many little packages I
have downloaded to my Newton since the problem started. Maybe I'll
try pulling packages before doing what you suggested, since I don't
have SBM utilities I'd have to start from scratch on the internal
store. One note, I already tried backing up my internal store to
the card and it said that there wasn't enough room to copy my system
information, even though I have 1741K free on it .
Thanks again for all your help. I guess I'm going down the road of
re-installation of everything one day soon, whether I like it or not.
I guess I can refile everything possible on the card and then do a
hard reset. -sniff!-
>Good luck!
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