Re:NTLK Claris Organizer 2.0

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Tue Jul 25 2000 - 00:41:19 CDT

On 7/24/00 8:31 AM, Jerry Tom [] wrote:

>I just downloaded & installed Palm Desktop for Windows - although I don't
>have a Palm - I'm hoping it's based on Claris Organizer which,
>unfortunately, never came out in Windows.

It's not.

>Does that mean that it's posssible to sync to it using NCU as suggested?

No, it's not. (Not on the PC; you can on the Mac.)

> How does this work with the Palm Hotsync option? Please enlighten...

It doesn't.

On the Mac, where PD _is_ Claris Organizer 2.0, it does NOT work with the
Palm Hotsync operation. You use the Newton Connection Utilities 1.0
SYNC button to Sync to a Palm Desktop file. Same sort of process,
though, Newton<->NCU<->PD file instead of Palm<->PD<->PD file.

 - Bill

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