(i haven't done this myself, so I could be wrong)
but I think it is looking for the previous rev of the OS pkg file
that was officially released by Apple, 712... something, I can't remember.
once the old package has been "patched", you should be able to load that
into the newton via NCU.
hope that helps.
> I am a relatively new Newton 2100 user and I would like to upgrade
> the OS to the most current version. I located the file and have
> downloaded it to my Mac. Would someone please explain to me either
> via Newtontalk, or by private email, how I use to update application
> to change my Newton OS? I've tried using NCU, but I am unable to
> transfer the file to my 2100 because it is not a Newton package, but
> some type of OS patch. If I try to launch the OS patch, I get a
> dialogue box searching for the OS to update, but as you know, it
> does not show on my Mac desktop, (like a shared folder, or drive
> would). Please, any help to walk me through this will be greatly
> appreciated!
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