Ok, I've been knocking this idea around in my head for awhile.
Considering that it's possible to run a Newton keyboard connected to a
Palm, wouldn't it be theoretically possible to use a Palm-compatible
Stowaway keyboard (you know, those funky articulated units that fold down
to the size of a PDA themselves...) with a Newton?
I have been looking at the pinout diagrams and serial connector mappings
for both the Palm and Visor docking ports as well as the Newton's
interconnect port. It looks feasible, but my electronics background is a
bit underdeveloped. What am I missing here? Would anyone like to help me
get this to work? I have a Visor-compatible Stowaway and an extra 2100 to
mess with and would dearly love to see this work. The Stowaway is such a
rockin' piece of industrial design. It deserves to be connected to a
If you haven't seen it yet, read all about the Stowaway here:
Grant Hutchinson Interface Considerations & Toys
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