On Sun, 30 Jul 2000, Jesse Wilson wrote:
> The problem is that not too many people use it... most
> everyone's using this mailing list. I would hate to
Which is why everyone's using this mailing list: it's the one place where
you can be sure to find a very large number of Newton users (I believe the
last count of subscribers was over 1800) including many, many gurus.
There's tons of discussions on all kinds of topics (and not necessarially
on-topic either, which is good every now and then).
Also, e-mail gets people's attention: it's information that gets sent
directly to you, you don't have to go out and look for it.
> see a better service stop because no one's using it,
> they're all stuck on the cumbersome mailing list. I
> urge everyone in the Newton community to at least go
> take a look at newted.dyndns.org.
Well, if that means you've decided to leave us, see you later and good luck.
Victor Rehorst - victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca | chuma@chuma.org
Secretary, CASU & CPES College Governments, University of Guelph, Canada
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