Re: NTLK Jot v Calligrapher v Newton

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Tue Jun 06 2000 - 17:32:44 CDT

>The quality of
>the letter-by-letter recognizer diminishes noticeably if after writing in
>English for a while you switch back to German (somehow the built-in
>dictionary must be involved even in "print-mode"),

Yes it does, but not enough (in fact, it does not influence it a
lot). Additionally, words with accents & umlauts & s-z are harder to
recognize by Rosetta.

>And let
>me just ask one blasphemous question: anyone here on the list, who didn't
>in some way adapt his or her handwriting to the Newton?

Everybody does, that's normal. But using Graffiti probably also
induces changes, even if less important.



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