NTLK alpaca q

From: doppler (doppler@mac.com)
Date: Thu Jun 08 2000 - 04:26:51 CDT

hi all!

has any one had any experience in synching with microsofts new PIM (Alpaca,
part of office 2001 for macintosh)?

id be interested it there are good ways to synch the newt with alpaca


                      roman pixell

______pixell productions_stockholm__

         mailto: roman@pixell.net
         phone: +46 (0) 8 242 606
         fax: +46 (0) 8 598 14 954
         cell: +46 (0) 709 10 35 51
         web: www.pixell.net/doppler
         icq user number: 3698764

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