Re: NTLK Connecting MP130 to G4

From: Brian McEwen (
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 09:48:35 CDT

>>My problem is that I couldn't get it running on anything from g3 and up. The
>>syncing fails and the export disconnects. On an older PPC with 8.6 it works.

>We have an iMac that is running OS-9.04 and NCU without problems by using
>iDock. Other
>USB-->serial devices should work as well. Many on this list have
>reported good success.

        Be aware that none of the USB-Serial adapters will pass the
Appletalk protocol. Make extra certain you have NCU set for serial
connection not Appletalk, if you are having troubles and using Keyspan or
similar device and the MP. Also make sure you are using the "right" serial
device to talk to, there will be several to select from in NCU (at least
there are on my B/W G3 with Keyspan).


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