Re: NTLK NetHopper 2.0

From: Hai Ng (
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 22:58:46 CDT

On 6/17/00 2:05 PM, said:

>I have used Newtscape for about a week and it seems like a GREAT product. In
>comparing newton Browsers, is nethopper a browser? And what are the
>advantages to using it??

Yes NetHopper is a browser in the direct sense, it does not convert the
HTML pages to Newton book format.

I'm using NetHopper with NetHopper scheduler and I find that it is much
more convenient and faster than using Newt's Cape.

Now, I must say that I haven't really explored Newt's Cape but my initial
experience with it (<5 hrs) I've found the user interface to be not of my
liking and it takes a tremendous amount of time to parse a page.

However, Newt's Cape is supported and NetHopper isn't anymore.

Any Newt's Cape users out there who can shed some light on if I'm just
doing something wrong?

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