Re: NTLK E Mate

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Fri Jun 23 2000 - 12:16:46 CDT

Edeward Samayoa wrote:

> i kinda miss the instructions of using a mic on the e mate? what do i
> need and where do i buy. can anyone help thanks

Well, the short answer is now: you *can not* use a mic on the eMate, since there's no mic on it, neither a mic jack. So, the only possible alternative would be to get one of those
artisanal audio interconnect port that were made by a few people. As a lot of people knows, and I guess a lot doesn't know, on MP2x00 and eMate, you need to use this "marvel" of the
"interconnect" port for synching to your computer or install package. Somebody did some research some time ago and discovered some pins in the port that were not used but were carrying
audio signals. So, a very few people did offer at various time, and audio adapter plugging in the interconnect port. Or something like that. However, there isn't currently anybody
building these adapters, since they're manually built and require a fair amount of time to build :-/

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
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