Re: OFF TOPIC..but fun...Re: NTLK Couldn't resist...

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Sat Jun 24 2000 - 01:07:39 CDT

On 6/23/00 9:24 AM, peter brigg [] wrote:

>> I think the greatest Canadian business success story would be if Tim
>became a worldwide organization bigger than McDonalds.
>> (background: Tim Horton's is a large donut shop / coffee shop chain in

We recently had our first Krispy Kreme donut chain store open here in Des
Moines, right on my way to work (more or less).



I hadn't had a Krispy Kreme in about a decade; the last time I was in
Kentucky visiting some relatives -- we always made a point to go to
Krispy Kreme when we visited. And White Castle hamburgers, too. We
still don't have one of THOSE in Des Moines yet, although it just so
happens a friend of mine mentioned tonight that he thinks there's a White
Castle in (how appropriate) NEWTON, Iowa...he recalls stopping at it on
his way back from Carolina once. Oh well...the supermarket a few blocks
up the street from the Krispy Kreme has frozen White Castles in their
frozen-foods section. (MUST.....STAY...AWAY.....)

We finally (gasp) got a Starbucks here, too, when Barnes & Noble opened a
huge chain store here that includes a Starbucks. (I was becoming
concerned that Iowa was being discriminated against...)

 - Bill

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