Re: NTLK Outlook Express Sync?

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Sun Jun 25 2000 - 19:49:49 CDT

On 6/25/00 6:17 PM, doppler [] wrote:

>> Just thought of something. Outlook Express has a Palm Sync menu item, would
>> it be possible to do that and then use the Palm desktop to connect to the
>> Newton? What would the steps be to do that. I don't have a Palm, but might
>> be willing to acquire one just to sync my Newt.

No. I've been told on this list that OE goes DIRECTLY to the Palm,
instead of going thru Palm Desktop for Mca.

>is there anyone who has successfully synched OE5 and claris organiser for
>mac? i refuse to use the palm desktop, as it doesnt have all the features
>like the newton and claris organiser. id be glad if i didnt need to synch to
>OE5 manually, dough ...

Palm Desktop for Mac 2.x _IS_ Claris Organizer. Have they removed
something? Or are you using an older version of Palm Desktop.

Looks like you're out of luck on the OE5/Palm/Newton cross-linking.


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