Re: NTLK Re: OFF TOPIC..but fun...Krispy Kreme tangent

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Jun 26 2000 - 09:24:42 CDT

Michael Wittmann wrote:

> Greetings,
> having grown up in North Carolina, I had the joy of Krispy Kreme from day
> one... and for those now so madly in love with them, I merely must point
> out that they used to be BETTER, back before they came out with the "new,
> improved, larger" donuts in 96 or 97 or whenever that was. The smaller
> ones were fluffed air with sugar glaze, you could eat a dozen in 15
> minutes (I did this regularly for a while, back when my metabolism allowed
> it... washed it down with a half gallon of whole milk...).
> And for the vague Newton reference out there ... a friend of mine lived
> within sight distance of a Krispy Kreme, and had his Newton send an alarm
> at irregular intervals to remind him to check out the window at the lights
> - were the donuts fresh?!?! (for those not in the know, old Krispy Kreme
> stores and maybe the new ones, too, have a lighting system designed to
> tell you how long until the next batch - down in NC, you'd get lines at
> certain times of the day for those who wanted the freshest possible
> donut).

Ok, I keep hearing about those Krispy Kreme, I've never saw any. I'm living in Northern Virginia, and often traveling from here to Canada. So, anyone can tell me if there would be any
chance to find a Krispy Kreme around here, in Northern Virginia, or on my way back to Canada? I'd love to taste them!

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
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