Kari Heber wrote:
> >That's true. The only problem we had is when the NewtonTalk mailing list
> >went from Sean (Hi Sean!) to PlanetNewton, NTDG lost his website. Marco
> >Mailand <mailto:Marco.Mailand@psi.ch> has now the entire Lee Moon's
> >source code. You need to contact Marco in order to have any piece.
> >
> >-Laurent.
> Will Marco be making this available to the new compilation of NewtonMad? I
> am assuming that since the source code has been released there wouldn't be
> a problem with recompiling to eliminate any needed registration/password.
> Is this a possibility?
Not likely. As a group, we wanted to maintain a source management system, so
that people could make improvement to the code and make those modifications
available to others. You can probably ask Marco to have a copy, and you can
play with it, but if you ever add significant functionalities to it, it would
be nice to make it available to others, a bit like the Free Software
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266 mailto:Laurent_Daudelin@fanniemae.com
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