Hi Joe,
Nice idea, but without a lot more hardware, it won't work.
Here is the simple? reason why:
A color display is really displaying two interconnected pieces of
Chromanance - the color of the pixel
Luminance - the brightness of the pixel
A grayscale image contains only luminance information and so a color image
cannot be constructed from the information.
Simply put, certain color values will have the same luminance value and
therefore will be impossible to map back to the original color because that
information is missing.
That is not to say that you can't COLORIZE a grayscale image, the colors
would just be false.
There are other technical issues that I won't bore you with.
Hope this helps,
David Humphreys
Honeywell Inc.
mailto:david.humphreys@honeywell.com <mailto:david.humphreys@honeywell.com>
-----Original Message-----
From: joe [mailto:coatlicue@worldnet.att.net]
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 07:29p
To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com <mailto:newtontalk@planetnewton.com>
Subject: NTLK Newton RAM question
If the Newton 2.1 OS has the transparent ability to reckon RGB colors (ala
Sketchmail, NPDS),
does that mean if the standard green/greyscale LCD displays were replaced
with low power
COLOR LCDs, would'nt we then be able to view (and create) Newt programs on
the Newt itself in FULL COLOR??!!!
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