NTLK MOD/QFWorks questions

From: Steve Vander Ark (vderark@bccs.org)
Date: Thu Mar 23 2000 - 22:50:20 EST

Can anyone help out with these two questions:

1) Okay, ModPlayer is astounding. But I don't have the time or patience to
download and send to my Newton a whole bunch of MOD files. I have a couple
that are really impressive, but now I'd like to find one or two that are a
bit quieter, like slow jazz or even classical. Does anyone have a suggestion
of which ones to download and where to find them in ready to play form?

2) I bought my 2100 used and it came with a dizzying array of software and
add-ons, including a nice case and pens and the like (I got a VERY good
deal!). It also came with a manual for QuickFigure Works, apparently a
spreadsheet for NewtonWorks. According to the manual, this should have come
preinstalled on my Newton, but since the fellow I bought from did a
brain-wipe before he sent it to me, I don't have it. I looked on the CDs
that came with it but couldn't find it. I found disks for Quick Figure Pro
and lots of other nice software (all with complete docs and boxes and
everything) but no sign of this program. I would love to be able to do my
spreadsheet work on my Newton and then transfer it to Excel. Am I entitled
to this program? If so, where can I find it? If this isn't something that
should be included, can anyone suggest a good spreadsheet alternative that
will transfer to Excel?

Steve Vander Ark
Library Media Specialist
Byron Center Christian School
Byron Center, Michigan

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