If you have Quick Figure Pro, you don't need QF Works. Pro is a more
full-featured version. On the QF Pro disk will also be the excel add-in
that allows you to transfer files between Excel on you desktop and QF Pro
on the Newt.
Now, on the other hand, if you don't have the Works word processor, you
are missing out.
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Vander Ark [mailto:vderark@bccs.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 9:50 PM
To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
Subject: NTLK MOD/QFWorks questions
Can anyone help out with these two questions:
1) Okay, ModPlayer is astounding. But I don't have the time or patience to
download and send to my Newton a whole bunch of MOD files. I have a couple
that are really impressive, but now I'd like to find one or two that are a
bit quieter, like slow jazz or even classical. Does anyone have a suggestion
of which ones to download and where to find them in ready to play form?
2) I bought my 2100 used and it came with a dizzying array of software and
add-ons, including a nice case and pens and the like (I got a VERY good
deal!). It also came with a manual for QuickFigure Works, apparently a
spreadsheet for NewtonWorks. According to the manual, this should have come
preinstalled on my Newton, but since the fellow I bought from did a
brain-wipe before he sent it to me, I don't have it. I looked on the CDs
that came with it but couldn't find it. I found disks for Quick Figure Pro
and lots of other nice software (all with complete docs and boxes and
everything) but no sign of this program. I would love to be able to do my
spreadsheet work on my Newton and then transfer it to Excel. Am I entitled
to this program? If so, where can I find it? If this isn't something that
should be included, can anyone suggest a good spreadsheet alternative that
will transfer to Excel?
Steve Vander Ark
Library Media Specialist
Byron Center Christian School
Byron Center, Michigan
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