Re: NTLK NLTK Doesn't the newton adjust itself to summertime?

From: Isaac Tüftler (
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 15:55:55 EST

>I encountered a problem lately, it seems that my newton doesn't set
>itself to summertime (I live in the Netherlands). It annoyed me,
>because my alarm went of an hour to late.

In Extras choose TimeZones. Choose your location (or any other city of your country).
Tap "Show"-Button and choose "All Info" or "City Info". One point of City-Info
is the used Summertime. In "All Info" it is shown with the declaration of switching
days, in "City Info" with name.

I assume you have a 2k. AFAIK in 2k-ROMs all Europe-Countries/cities are set to none
summertime (at least is so with german 2k1). You can change Summertime in "City info".
ATTENTION : changing affects only the choosen city, not the whole country!

Greetings from Germany

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