It uses normal aaa bateries but you need to have a holder for them. Unlike
the newton 110 and higher where you can put bateries directly into the
newton, this newton uses a little "cage" type device that keeps them in the
same shape as the rechargable bat. pack
-----Original Message-----
From: Kenny Song []
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2000 7:48 AM
To: NewtonTalk
Subject: Re: NTLK Newton 100 questions
On Mon, 27 Mar 2000 jon glass wrote:
>I have a friend in Vietnam who has a couple of 100's, and would like to get
>them working. Unfortunately, I have no experience with them as far as
>batteries are concerned. Can you put normal AAA or AA batteries in them? Or
>does only the rechargable battery pack fit in them? If only the pack, can
>you retro-fit it with batteries? Thanks for any replies you can give me.
>-Jon Glass
They are normal AAA batteries.
Kenny Song
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