Woah! Hold your horses guys, and *definately* don't start sending me money
(Clinton, Gary)! ;)
The PDA market is in a bit of a state at the moment and it's not clear if
any of the current big players (Palm, Psion and MS) will fall by the
wayside. I've been reading up on the new technologies and basically I'm not
happy to start developing for anything at the moment. This means that I'm
not ready to buy a new PDA at the moment and this, in turn, means I'll be
keeping my Newton (for the moment at least - besides, I've had no offers for
it) :-) What it *doesn't* mean is that I'll be writing loads of really cool
Newton software :-( Some of you are under the misaprehension that I'm a good
Newton programmer: I'm not. Don't even know NewtonScript :-( I do, however,
think that we need better ways of getting data between the desktop and the
Newton and I am a software developer by trade so by leveraging the
capabilities of Steve Weyer's Sloup I think we can improve things in this
As we have Mac, Linux and PC users here it doesn't seem to make sense for me
to concentrate my efforts on Wintel Outlook. Instead I'd like to take a more
generic approach to the issue and help provide something we can all use. It
does mean that the end result won't in the form "click the synch button and
away it goes" but it will be more versatile.
Sorry, this message is going beyond what I'd intended but if you're still
with me I'll carry on :)
How many people would be interested in free, open source development of
generic multi-translation Newton-Desktop software? In addition how many
people can program in C++ and would be willing to help? What sort of
conversions would we be looking at? Would it be better to take this
discussion off-line or to NewtonTalkers want to hear what's going on?
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