On 4/6/2000 3:09 PM, Jakob Peterhänsel [mailto:info@dnug.dk] wrote:
>As reported by others, our ISP has suddenly shut down the FTP service for
>I still have the archive, but no host to put it on. The privious one was
>free, so it is not much I have to offer for the hosting.
>If someone would like to set up a mirror, I will be glad to upload it/send
>a CD.
>Sorry for the service-break!
>Jakob Peterhänsel
>President, Danish Newton User Group [DNUG]
> Still listing new releases - every week!
>DNUG: http://www.dnug.dk/
>Newton Versions: http://www.dnug.dk/versions/
How much space do you need? I can probably give you about 500MB if I
delete or compress some old web logs and do some other cleanup. Maybe
- Bill
\\ /, "Ink Different" at Info-Newt, the site for Newton PDAs
`( Info-Newt Newton news & info web site: http://www.info-newt.com/
\ Newton FTP Software archive: ftp://ftp.info-newt.com/
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