Re: NTLK - I need space!

From: Brian McEwen (
Date: Sun Apr 09 2000 - 10:00:31 EDT

>My problem is: In Brazil, I can't find a person to help me with my newton.
>Everywhere I go (including Apple Store), people say: "Newt... what? I don't
>know it..."
>So, I'm afraid to buy a Memory Card and it doesn't work...
>I'm looking for a list with all compatible Cards for MP130 so I can go to
>the store and say: "Give me this one"

You can't find anyone in the US ion a store who knows anything, either, so
that's nothing new :)

The only FLASH RAM you will find in a store is almost certainly to be
non-linear, which means it won't work in the Newtons. None of the cameras
or other things sold in stores take FLASH ram of the Newton type- CISCO
routers are about all that's left that uses it (linear FLASH RAM).
You cannot, no way, no how use the IDE RAM cards.

So you are almost certainly going to have to mail order. I have no idea
about who to use in Brazil, but:
both sell Newton RAM. You are looking for 5/12V or 5/5V linear FLASH for
your MP130; but be aware, the Intel Series II 5/5 linear flash will NOT
work in the MP130, even though it sounds like it should. This style RAM
was fairly cheap, but now it is definitely expensive and getting more so-
so putting off purchasing some will only mean you get to pay more in the
end (in my opinion). If you wish, you can look for some in stores but
likely you will just be wasting your time, it's a specialty item at this
point and mail order is about your only solution.



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