On Mon, 17 Apr 2000 Filmer, Paul E wrote:
>Kenny - what exactly do you mean by "It worked" ?
>Several of the list gurus insist that a Cold Boot will not work for
>non-MP1xx series machines - i.e. it will not remove system updates on the
>MP2x00 or eMate. I'd like to sort this out so that we know whether it is
>OS- or hardware-dependent, or both, so that we can put accurate info in the
I did say that I did it on my MP 130, by removing the backup too. However, I never tried it on the MP2X series which I think others have done unsuccessfully. My MP 130 was kept without batteries few fora months at a time and whenever I want to "play" with it, I had to reinstall the latest update or my modem card will not be recognized. That was how I found out.
Kenny Song
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