RE: NTLK Message Pad 120

From: Ben Doughney (
Date: Sat Apr 22 2000 - 04:50:37 EDT

>speed yes, but as a MP120 2.0 owner who upgraded to the MP2000 2.1, I
>must disagreee.
>I found that the 2.1 system was almost identical with regards to its HW
>It (OS2.1) does get you on the interenet, and supports larger memory
>cards however.
>PS Actually I was kind of annoyed by how the Press was so excited about
>the HW recognition on the 2000, as the MP120 2.0 was just as good (but
>slower) IMHO.

I actually had problems with the recognition on my MP120 2.0 if I had it
set on the "slowest, most accurate" setting. I found that it worked
better towards the middle, and I never worked out why.

Ben Doughney

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