On 9/9/00 3:54 PM, gopi@sloth.org [mailto:gopi@sloth.org] wrote:
>My mp2100 is unhappy. It is unhealthy. It is erasing itself very, very
>frequently. More than once a week it will do something weird. Sometimes
>it crashes and on reboot it's at the "welcome to newton" area. There is
>little to any consistency in terms of apps that I have on it. This has
>happened with the same apps I used for three years on an upgraded 2000
>with no problems at all.
>Anyboyd have any thoughts? I am hesitant to send it to Apple to attempt to
>get them to replace its motherboard for $190 after my last, umm,
>"issues" there. Apple recently contracted this work out to a third party,
>and there have been some, umm, "teething troubles". I described the state
>of my returned 2000 to the apple customer relations person, and she
>commented "it sounds like kindergartners were working on it". I would at
>least expect them to properly close the case...
Are you doing anything, such as downloading e-mail, that could fill up a
memory store (internal or card?)
I had this happen ONCE, about 4-5 years ago, when I was using my Newton
(probably a 2000 at the time) to get my e-mail. It filled up the store I
was recieving mail too, the newton reset itself, and ZAP....all my soups
were gone. Thank goodness I had a reasonably recent backup.
I get enough e-mail that this was why I stopped getting mail on my
Newton. It was just too likely to happen again.
I think I've heard of it happening to others, too.
- Bill
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