Re: [NTLK] Help!!

From: Marc Weinberg (
Date: Fri Aug 03 2001 - 10:14:37 EDT

Thanks, Marco. What I ended up doing is deleting notes and related soups,
etc., and then loading a fairly recent backup of all the files. I gave up
trying to save what I had. I don't recall doing a darn thing different. I
wrote the last note, it went fine. All I did was change some fonts and font
sizes before powering off. Next time I started it, WHAMMO! I hope this never
happens again. I'd still like someone to explain to me what that -48418 system
error means. I'm going to say a little prayer now every time I open notes.


Marco Mailand wrote:

> > Without any warning my notes application stopped on my MP2100. All I get
> > is an error: "Bad Type Error" Sorry a problem has occurred. (-48418,
> > Unexpected immediate)" What's up. I didn't do anything odd or special to
> > cause notes to screwup.
> I didn't have the same with notes but with names. I wrote 'm^2' and names
> crashed really badly, so that the whole Newton didn't start w/o error nor
> was it useable anymore. Maybe there's a similar char chain for notes?
> Remember exactly what you did in the minutes before the error and try to
> erase the name you've entered or whatever it was.
> Good luck!
> Marco Mailand
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