Re: [NTLK] Newton Works import/export

From: Michelle Sagara West (
Date: Mon Aug 06 2001 - 02:47:32 EDT

> Perhaps, though, Patrick you may be experiencing the memory problem due to
>your use of the 2000 itself as I assume, from the way I read what you wrote,
>the unit is not upgraded? If this is so then perhaps the limited RAM on the
>unit may be causing the memory problems you are experiencing? My guess (as I
>am in no way an expert) would be that if this is indeed the primary problem
>then the only way around it would be to upgrade the unit...

The only time I had problems with Works and memory was when I attempted
to use one of the extensions that allowed handwriting recognition within
Works. It was called Workswrite, I think (I could be wrong). It had a -
huge- memory leak. If you only wrote a sentence or two to try it out, it
was fine -- but I actually do a lot of handwriting, and at more than a
paragraph, a reset was needed. I wrote to the person who had written it,
and he did in fact discover (as I think another person did) that if you
attempt to use the recognition in the notepad (for popup and correction
suggestions) instead of using the popups found in Works (which tend to
be ones suggested in lieu of a typo), there is a definite memory leak
that's fairly ugly.

I have an upgraded MP2K, but I used Works without a problem before I had
the upgrade done.


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