-----Original Message-----
From: "Eric L. Strobel" <fyzycyst_at_home.com>
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2001 22:49:16 -0400
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Apple's TIL retired
> Astounding, isn't it? One of the things that was always in Apple's
> favor
> was that the company recognized how long their machines last and
> offered a
> reasonable amount of support for the older machines. I didn't retire
> my
> Plus until well after the PPC's appeared (and only then because a HD
> died...
> The Plus still sits on a shelf, looking forlorn.). Now, let's see...
> anything prior to G3's are being virtually cut loose??? How
> shortsighted!
> - Eric.
No, it's NOT shortsighted. It's the right move. If you don't have a
G3 by now, then it's time to upgrade. Most people seem to keep their
Macs longer than they keep their cars. A lot longer.
The long useful life of Macs (and Newtons) is a "plus" to us as
customers....but I think a detriment to Apple and even it's
Think how many times Windoze users typically upgraded their PC's in the
time period between your Plus and your PPC. Think of all the money the
PC companies made.
Now think of all the money Apple DIDN'T make because you didn't switch
from a Plus to something newer until the PPC's came out (7-10 years).
And this happens a LOT with Macs. My mother is still using a Mac IIci
made in the late 1980's. (I just got her a G3 laptop)
But this long life sure doesn't happen much with PC's (except maybe
small-time server machines). It's called planned obsolesence, coupled
with technology advancement. And it's what drives the PC market.
Apple didn't participate in the planned obsolesence part....and thus is
penalized in market share, sales, etc. Sure, they made some stupid
decisions here and there too (such as not licensing the OS for years)
but I think people using their Macs for a lot longer than a typical PC
gets used has something to do with Apple not being #1. That and the
fact that most people won't pay for quality. Then wonder why they have
to keep paying and paying and paying....
Apple didright by it's customers, but screwed itself out of a lot of
sales it's competitors were getting in a similar time period.
Therefore, I do not blame them a bit for saying "if you haven't
upgraded since the G3's came out.....why should we support you any
My G3 laptop was purchased in 1998, and there was a G3 laptop before
that. I don't recall when the G3 chip was first released, but I'd say
it's at least 1997 and perhaps earlier. So, if you haven't purchased a
new Mac in 4 or 5 years or more, perhaps it's time to get something
more up to date. Support Apple, or they'll go away. (Actually, that's
probably not totally true. Everybody's been predicting the demise of
Apple since the Mac came out 17 or so years ago, and guess
what....THEY'RE STILL HERE and doing well, selling millions of Macs
every year. But more sales can't hurt!) After all, the G4 chip has
been out for sometime, and the G5 is due next year.
Also...the response from Apple said that they are working on adding
back the feature that was wanted to the new Knowledgebase.
- Bill
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