What's not clear from your comments is lots of Macs are passed on to
another owner, which increased the Mac user base.
Over the last ten years, I've passed on a 575 Performa to a brother,
a 6100 to a friend, a 7200 to a friend; also purchased a used Centris
650 for mom, and a used iMac B for mom-in-law. All of these are still
in use!
I had a 512 Mac that was donated in 1995 (still in working order).
You're right that Apple lost hardware sales - but Apple and others
have benefited from software sales - and when Apple was still making
peripherals the company did receive additional hardware sales.
I didn't buy a Newton (2000) until 1997. The likelyhood is that it
will carry on until I can get a Dick Tracy watch using voice
>No, it's NOT shortsighted. It's the right move. If you don't have a
>G3 by now, then it's time to upgrade. Most people seem to keep their
>Macs longer than they keep their cars. A lot longer.
>The long useful life of Macs (and Newtons) is a "plus" to us as
>customers....but I think a detriment to Apple and even it's
>... ...
>And this happens a LOT with Macs. My mother is still using a Mac IIci
>made in the late 1980's. (I just got her a G3 laptop)
>But this long life sure doesn't happen much with PC's (except maybe
>small-time server machines). It's called planned obsolesence, coupled
>with technology advancement. And it's what drives the PC market.
>Apple didn't participate in the planned obsolesence part....and thus is
>penalized in market share, sales, etc. Sure, they made some stupid
>decisions here and there too (such as not licensing the OS for years)
>but I think people using their Macs for a lot longer than a typical PC
>gets used has something to do with Apple not being #1. That and the
>fact that most people won't pay for quality. Then wonder why they have
>to keep paying and paying and paying....
>Apple didright by it's customers, but screwed itself out of a lot of
>sales it's competitors were getting in a similar time period.
>... ...
>Also...the response from Apple said that they are working on adding
>back the feature that was wanted to the new Knowledgebase.
> - Bill
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