Re: [NTLK] Anyone had this happen/know what casued it?

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Aug 07 2001 - 23:53:14 EDT

on 07/08/01 23:45, Patrick Meuleman at wrote:

> Hi,
> The other day I reset my uMP2000 using the reset option in Avi's backdrop.
> When the MP rebooted it came up with the series of screens that you normally
> get when you do a brain wipe (i.e. please enter your name, address, date,
> time etc). Needless to say I panicked thinking that I'd lost all my data.
> When I finished going through the set up I found that all my data was still
> there. The only thing that I noticed missing was all the non-default
> 'folders' that I had set up (although all the items that I'd filed showed up
> in "unfiled names", "unfiled notes" etc). I also lost some registration
> codes for some software. Apart from that everything seems to be okay. The
> only 'funny' thing that happened before the reset was that the night before
> I tried doing a back up which failed half way though (lost connection to PC)
> and I didn't bother trying a second time.
> Does anybody have any idea what caused this to happen?

It seems like you somehow lost your system soup.


Laurent Daudelin            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

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