Re: [NTLK] Newton in MacAddict

Date: Mon Aug 13 2001 - 18:26:12 EDT

In a message dated 13/8/01 11:19:40 pm, writes:

<< Laughable handwriting recognition!? As opposed to what, grafitti!? Oh, yes,
laughable. It's so funny when I write a letter... in CURSIVE mind you, and it
is translated as the letter I wrote. Funny! HA HA! Razzle frazzle grumble
grumble... grr... should be drug out into the street and shot... mumble
mumble... >>

I couldn't agree more (If only it would recognise taxi!) seriously it's joy
to use availworks to write mail with hear perfect recognition so quickly too
- much quicker than my efforts at typing. I learnt cursive script at school
which seems to suit my 'Isaac'

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