Re: [NTLK] Back up time

From: Sushi (
Date: Mon Aug 13 2001 - 18:26:58 EDT

>What is the average backup time using NBU. I imagine it is based
>on how much stuff is on the Newt, I am looking for an average.
>I have a 2100 with a Intel 16 meg card which is about half full.
>Backing up with a 300mhz Power book.
>I do see some activity as far as name changes in the back up
>process. but 2 hrs+ and then the computer drops the connection
>because of a communication error can be a bit frustrating.
>Could the dropped communication be from running out of memory in the

I back up to a TAM (603e/250 - so no screamer!).

It takes about 10 minutes to do a complete backup using Ethernet. My
32MB card has about 22MB and there is about 1MB on the internal memory.

I initiate the backup from the TAM. It seems to work better that way.

I set my app memory to 4MB plus the size of the card - in this case 36MB.


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